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Thursday, November 17, 2016

CAMKAN INI...!!! Jangan Pernah Main-Main Dalam Cinta Karma Punya Cerita ; Saat Ini Kamu Menyakiti Akan Ada Saatnya Kamu Akan Disakiti...

Bila tidak dalam waktu dekat ini, mungkin saja dalam waktu yang cukup lama nanti dia akan merasakan seperti apa yang anda rasakan. Yang menyakiti akan disakiti, yang menghinati pastinya akan dikhianati, dan yang melukai akan dilukai.

Semuanya akan kembali kepadamu masing-masing, biasanya kebanyakan orang menyebutkan itu yakni satu balas, dengan kata lain karma. Jadi yakinlah yang menyakitimu nanti pasti akan rasakan apa yang anda rasakan, anda tinggal menanti saja.

Karma Yakni Langkah Tuhan Menyadarkan Bila Cinta Itu Tidak Dapat Dipermainkan

Percayalah satu saat dia yang hari ini menyakitimu pastinya akan memperoleh balasan dari Tuhan. Balasan itu supaya dia belajar bila sebenarnya cinta itu tidak dapat dipermainkan.

Karma Bisa Datang Kapan Saja Dan Bahkan Demikian Mungkin Akan Lebih Kejam Dari Apa Yang Sudah Anda Lakukan

Karma itu akan tiba apabila pada waktunya, tidak tahu itu kapan waktu yang cocok tidak ada yang tahu. Namun biasanya karma itu akan lebih kejam

dari apa yang telah dilakukannya kepadamu, jadi anda yakinlah dia pasti akan memperoleh balasan yang sama.

Karma Itu Berlaku Buat Siapa Saja Yang Menyakiti Tidak Ada Pengecualian Baginya

Karma itu berlaku untuk siapa saja, tidak ada pengecualian termasuk juga itu dia. Karma tidak pernah menjauh dari orang-orang yang bikin kesalahan karena karma datang untuk memberi pelajari dan satu penyesalan agar meraka yang menyakiti tidak bakal menyakiti orang lain dan mengerti kesalahannya.

Yakinlah Apabila Satu Waktu Nantinya Penyesalan Dan Karma Bakalan Mewakili Rasa Sakitmu

Satu saat kelak karma itu bakal tiba menghampiri seseorang yang menyakitimu, dia datang mewakili perasaanmu. Jadi tunggu saja dan percayalah dia akan rasakan sakit yang sama dengan yang anda rasakan dan anda tidak perlu membalasnya.

Saat Anda Lihat Karma Itu Datang Kepadanya, Saat Itu Anda Tahu Bila Hidup Ini Memanglah Adil

Nantinya waktu anda lihat dia memperoleh balasan yang sama atau bahkan semakin lebih yang dia berikanlah padamu jadi saat itu juga anda akan yakini bila hidup itu adil, adil untuk yang tersakiti dan adil untuk yang menyakiti.

Ingatlah Waktu Dia Menyakiti Dirimu Dia Tengah Lakukan Kesepakatan Dengan Karmanya

Saat dia menyakitimu percayalah bila dia sudah dengan sadar telah lakukan satu kesepakatan pada karma bila dia sip peroleh balasn untuk semua yang telah diperbuatnya.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Pick Up Terjun Bebas CIANJUR

OLENG: Sebuah mobil pick up terjun ke jurang setinggi delapan meter, di Jalan Raya Cugenang Desa Cijedil.
CIANJUR-Jalur utama penghubung Cianjur-Puncak, tepatnya di Jalan Raya Cugenang Kampung Pos Palalangon Desa Cijedil Kecamatan Cugenang kembali mengundang kecelakaan, Minggu (6/11) siang sekitar pukul 13.30 WIB.


Trump Presiden AS, 13 Ramalan 'Notradamus dari Balkan' Terbukti?

- Ia disebut-sebut sebagai Notradamus dari Balkan -- Baba Vanga, peramal buta yang telah meninggal 20 tahun lalu dianggap terbukti benar meramalkan kejadian pada 2016.
Vanga memprediksi lahirnya ISIS, runtuhnya menara kembar, tsunami 2004, dan pemananasan global.


Friday, September 30, 2016

Pasar Cipanas Minta Fasilitas Lift

Pasar Cipanas Minta Fasilitas Lift

FASILITAS: Kondisi tangga dari lantai dasar hingga lantai atas Pasar Tradisional Cipanas.

CIPANAS- Pedagang lantai atas Pasar Cipanas minta lift atau eskalator. Alasannya untuk menunjang sarana penunjang agar para pengunjung mau mengunjungi lantai paling atas.

Muhamad Nur Sam (60) salah seorang pedagang mengatakan, jumlah konsumen ke lantai atas setiap tahun terus berkurang, untuk meningkatkannya maka dibutuhkan sarana penunjang lainnya seperti lift atau eskalator.

"Kalau ada lift atau minimalnya eskalator, konsumen pasti mau ke lantai atas, karena mereka menganggap lantai atas terlalu tinggi dan capek," katanya.

Menurutnya, akibat minimnya sarana penunjang kios di lantai atas banyak yang tutup dan kosong. Bahkan tidak sedikit diantara pedagang hendak menyewakan kios. "Kami butuh solusi, jangan hanya lantai dasar saja yang ramai pengunjung, tetapi lantai atas pun bisa ramai," ujarnya.

Kepala Pusat Pelayanan Pasar Cipanas Kusmiadji menjelaskan, pihaknya sudah mengajukan dua atau tiga lift di pasar, mulai dari basement, lantai dasar, lantai 1, dan lantai 2.

"Pasalnya sudah ada keluhan dari para pedagang, jika tidak ada sarana penunjang ke lantai atas, para pengunjung mengeluhkan capek karena harus menggunakan tangga," jelasnya.

Menurutnya, selama enam tahun berdiri, kios di lantai 2 yang jumlahnya mencapai 450 unit, sebanyak 50 persen kosong.

"Kami harapkan Pemkab Cianjur setuju dengan usulan para pedagang, demi pengembangan Pasar Tradisional Cipanas," ujarnya. (fhn)

NEWS CIPANAS _Bocah 12 Tahun Ditelantarkan

Bocah 12 Tahun Ditelantarkan

MIRIS: Patugas TKSK Cipanas dan Staf Rumah Aspirasi Kang Deding Ishak berusaha menggali informasi mengenai status anak terlantar di Rumah Aspirasi KDI.
CIPANAS- Penemuan anak terlantar di Indonesia bukanlah hal yang aneh. Persoalan anak terlantar sudah sering ditemukan, tak terkecuali di daerah Kabupaten Cianjur seperti yang baru-baru ini ditemukan di kawasan Pasar Cipanas.

Petugas Pasar Cipanas menemukan seorang anak terlantar dengan nama Edi Wahyudin (12), yang diketahui sudah tidak memiliki ibu sejak usia lima tahun karena meninggal dunia, sementara ayah kandungnya hingga kini belum diketahui keberadaannya.

“Pertama kali saya tahu tentang anak ini, saya ditelepon petugas pasar, bahwa telah ditemukan anak terlantar dengan kondisi sangat mengkhawatirkan karena terdapat bekas dianiaya karena dituduh mencuri, walau pun belum ada bukti,” terang Petugas TKSK Cipanas Aat Atikah.

Dijelaskannya, berdasarkan keterangan dari petugas Pasar Cipanas, anak ini sudah ada di kawasan Pasar Cipanas sejak lima tahun lalu, dengan kondisi kehidupan sehari-hari yang sangat mengkhawatirkan seperti tidur diemperan dan pasar subuh.

“Saya sebagai petugas TKSK sangat prihatin. Namun karena kekuasaan Allah dia bisa hidup sendiri,” jelasnya.

Aat mengaku, pernah mencoba melakukan kordinasi dengan sejumlah yayasan dan panti dengan maksud untuk menitipkan dan membina anak ini, namun tidak berhasil karena mereka keberatan dengan alasan tidak ada ruang untuk ini.

“Akhirnya saya mencoba menghubungi pengurus Rumah Aspirasi Kang Deding Ishak (KDI), dan alhamdulillah rekan-rekan pengurus merespon positif dan langsung menjemput anak ini, ditemani Lurah Bojongherang dan ditampung sementara di Rumah Aspirasi KDI,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Petugas TKSK Pacet Ruli menambahkan, menanggapi persoalan anak jalanan atau anak terlantar sangat penting kalau di Kabupaten Cianjur, dibangun rumah singgah dengan program-program pemberdayaannya.

“Pernah diusulkan untuk membangun rumah singgah namun masih terkendala tempat,” tambahnya.
Staf Ahli sekaligus Pengelola Rumah Aspirasi Kang Deding Ishak Dery Busaeri menuturkan, persoalan sosial seperti anak terlantar merupakan tanggungjawab bersama, bukan hanya pemerintah, tapi persoalan kita semua.

“Kami sudah bekerja sama dengan Dinas Sosial dan pekerja sosial lainnya untuk menangani masalah anak terlantar. Dibelakang Edi masih ada puluhan bahkan ratusan Edi yang membutuhkan perhatian kita semua,” tuturnya.(des)

Jika Punya Pasangan Wanita Keras Kepala Jangan Di Lepas, Dia Merupakan Sosok Calon Istri Terbaik

Jika Punya Pasangan Wanita Keras Kepala Jangan Di Lepas, Dia Merupakan Sosok Calon Istri Terbaik

Menghadapi seseorang yang keras kepala bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, karena ia tidak akan dengan mudah menyerah pada apa yang ia percayai dan inginkan.
Ternyata seorang wanita yang keras kepala adalah sosok calon istri terbaik. Penasaran? Simak alasannya di sini.
Ia tahu apa yang diinginkan
Wanita keras kepala benar-benar tahu apa yang diinginkannya dan memiliki kemauan besar untuk meraihnya. Ia tegas dengan apa yang dirasakannya dan ketika hal tersebut menyangkut pada orang-orang yang dicintainya, ia tidak akan muda menyerah. Jatuh cinta pada wanita keras kepala berarti ia juga akan keras kepala dalam mencintai Anda. Ia akan tetap mencintai Anda dengan maksimal.
Ia dapat mengontrol emosinya
Wanita adalah makhluk yang penuh dengan emosi. Hal terbaik dari wanita keras kepala adalah ia dapat mengontrol emosinya. Ia tahu betul apa yang membuatnya bersemangat dan akan berjuang mati-matian untuk terus mendapatkannya. Berhubungan dengan wanita keras kepala artinya adalah Anda akan merasakan berbagai emosi, karena wanita keras kepala adalah sosok yang sangat emosional, dalam cara yang positif.
Ia akan mendorong Anda menjadi lebih baik
Terkadang, orang lain lebih tahu yang terbaik untuk diri Anda, ketimbang diri Anda sendiri. Ia akan berjuang untuk Anda ketika ia tahu apa hal yang baik untuk Anda. Ia tidak kenal lelah ketika hal itu berkaitan dengan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kebahagiaan Anda. Ia tidak akan menyingkir dan membuat Anda menghancurkan diri sendiri. Sebaliknya, ia akan menjadi salah satu orang yang terus menemukan cara untuk mencintai Anda dan membuat Anda lebih mencintai diri sendiri.
Ia adalah seorang penyetir
Seorang wanita bersifat keras kepala karena ada alasannya. Mungkin karena ia telah berjuang begitu keras untuk sesuatu yang dimilikinya sekarang, atau pernah memperjuangkan sesuatu yang tidak mudah. Apa pun alasannya, ia keras kepala karena suatu tujuan. Ia adalah seorang wanita yang kuat dan akan menjadi seorang penyetir terhadap hal yang diinginkannya. Hal ini tidak hanya akan menginspirasi Anda, namun juga membuatnya menjadi pasangan yang hebat untuk Anda.
Ia nyata
Wanita ini bukan tipe penurut. Ia bukan orang yang akan menurut kepada Anda karena takut, kasihan, atau lemah. Wanita ini memiliki pilihannya sendiri dan menjaganya tetap nyata untuk Anda. Ketika ia tidak sependapat dengan Anda, ia akan mengatakannya kepada Anda, dan ia akan memberikan Anda sebuah kejujuran.
Ia akan membuat segala hal menjadi menarik
Ia adalah orang yang keras kepala, termasuk membuat beberapa konflik. Namun, siapa yang ingin jatuh cinta kepada orang yang selalu menurut? Tentu saja, berkencan dengan wanita keras kepala berarti banyak hal akan menjadi sulit, namun itulah seninya, ia membuat semua hal terlihat menggairahkan, rumit, dan nyata.
Ia bisa berempati
Terkadang, Anda dapat beradu argumentasi, namun satu hal tentang wanita keras kepala adalah ia sangat pandai dalam beragumentasi. Karena sifat keras kepalanya, ia dapat mengetahui cara untuk melihat di sudut pandang yang berbeda. Tentu saja, ia bertahan pada perasaannya sendiri, namun bukan berarti ia tidak akan mempertimbangkan perspektif Anda. Ia mungkin tidak selalu setuju dengan Anda, namun ia bertahan pada apa yang dipercayainya, dan dunia Anda akan berputar-putar. Inilah yang terpenting.
Ia percaya diri
Untuk menjadi orang yang keras kepala, Anda harus merasa percaya diri terhadap apa yang Anda percaya dan bertahan dengan hal tersebut. Dan seorang wanita dengan kepercayaan diri itu seksi.
Ia bergairah
Ia keras kepala dan emosional, yang berarti ia memiliki keinginan dan impiannya sendiri. Keinginan dan impian inilah yang membuat bergairah, termasuk Anda. Ia bukanlah orang yang akan menyerahkan segala hal pada nasib. Ia akan berjuang untuk Anda dan memberikan hubungan yang luar biasa.
Ia sangat peduli
Ia keras kepala untuk Anda, bahkan ia akan membuat Anda menjadi prioritas utama. Ia akan tetap mencintai Anda, bahkan ketika ia marah atau Anda membuatnya frustasi. Dan karena ia keras kepala, ia tidak akan menyerah untuk Anda.
Ia akan membuat Anda gila, dalam arti positif
Seorang wanita keras kepala akan membuat Anda kewalahan. Ia sering tidak sependapat, namun wanita ini akan mencintai Anda sepenuh hati. Gila, bukan? Tidak ada salahnya untuk menemukan seseorang yang akan membuat Anda gila, dalam cara yang positif.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Germany election: AfD tests Merkel in eastern region

In the tranquil, late summer warmth of Germany's north-eastern corner, election billboards scream alarming messages.
The far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) poster is certainly eye-catching - sinister, black-clad "rapefugees" juxtaposed with the rear view of a shapely, nearly naked white woman.
But nearby, in plain black and blue, there is a less visual but equally arresting message.
To those interested in mass immigration, criminality and pension security, it declares, vote AfD on Sunday "so that Germany is not destroyed".

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption The AfD poster says mass immigration and crime threaten to destroy Germany

AfD refers to Alternative for Germany, and is a populist, Eurosceptic party, founded just three years ago and already the country's fastest-growing political movement.
If the latest polls are anything to go by, the AfD is, for the first time, ahead of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) here in her home state, Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.
With the CDU also losing support in Berlin, which holds elections later this month, September could represent a significant milestone in Mrs Merkel's long political journey, as she ponders running for a remarkable fourth term as chancellor next year.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Chancellor Merkel (right) poses for a selfie on the campaign trail in Boldekow
In this largely rural state, commonly known as "MeckPomm", strident messages about immigration might seem a little hollow.
The state has taken in around 26,000 migrants since the current wave began in 2015. It is a small proportion of the estimated one million who arrived last year. Under a federal allocation system, Mecklenburg is expected to take in just 2.03% of all refugees.
But this region of the former East Germany is also poor and thinly populated.
Anti-immigrant rhetoric resonates. It is key to the AfD's success, a theme relentlessly highlighted in campaign literature and meetings with voters.

At an AfD campaign stop in Grosse Klein, a poor suburb of Rostock with a higher than average concentration of immigrants, the subject of foreigners, particularly Muslims, dominated.
"They don't fit here at all," party supporter Hannelore Schroter told me.
"When I see these women in public, completely covered, I think they shouldn't be here in Germany."
Image copyright AFP
Image caption AfD candidate Leif-Erik Holm is the frontrunner in Sunday's election
At its party congress, earlier this year, the AfD declared that "Islam is not a part of Germany", and called for bans on burkas (full-body veils), minarets and the call to prayer.
"It's very difficult to integrate Muslims. People from a strange culture," party spokesman Roger Schmidt told me.
For some, the very name Rostock is synonymous with hostility to outsiders.
In 1992, the suburb of Lichtenhagen saw Germany's worst post-war anti-immigrant riots. Petrol bombs were hurled at apartment blocks housing asylum seekers, while thousands of local residents stood by and cheered.
Twenty-four years later, in Rostock's elegant city centre, the chilling sounds from that episode played from loudspeakers, as local activists commemorated one of the city's darkest hours. This, they warned, must not be allowed to happen again.
In recent weeks, popular protests in Grosse Klein forced the city to remove 15 migrant boys from a youth centre and cancel plans to build a new refugee shelter.
There is no suggestion the AfD was involved in the protests, but Martin Koschkar, a political scientist at Rostock University, says the party is making effective use of the current climate.
"The AfD benefits from this polarised debate," he told me.
Two terror attacks in July involving refugees have heightened security concerns across Germany. But Mr Koschkar says an underlying dissatisfaction with politicians is also helping to fuel the party's rise.
"They're mixing the migration topic with general criticism of the older parties."
Sunday's election in MeckPomm coincides with the first anniversary of the day, a year ago, when Angela Merkel decided to bring thousands of migrants to Germany on trains.
Coupled with her "we can do it" announcement, a few days earlier, it marked a turning point in Mrs Merkel's political fortunes. The rise of the AfD is just one of many consequences

Amazon and Starbucks pay less tax in Austria than a local sausage stall, the country's Chancellor Christian Kern has said in a newspaper interview.

Amazon and Starbucks pay less tax in Austria than a local sausage stall, the country's Chancellor Christian Kern has said in a newspaper interview.
"Every Viennese cafe, every sausage stand pays more tax in Austria than a multinational corporation," Mr Kern told Der Standard.
"That goes for Starbucks, Amazon and other companies," he said.
He added that EU countries with low corporate taxes were undermining the structure of the union itself.
"What Ireland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Malta are doing here lacks solidarity towards the rest of the European economy," he said.
He praised the European Commission's recent order that Apple should pay 13bn euros (£11bn) more in tax to Ireland.

On Tuesday, the European Commission decided after a long investigation that Apple should pay the 13bn euros in extra tax, plus interest, to the Irish government because a long-standing tax deal with the US tech giant amounted to illegal state aid.
Apple and the Irish government have criticised the decision and the US firm has said it is confident it will be overturned on appeal.
Mr Kern, who heads Austria's Social Democrats and the country's coalition government, also said Facebook and Google had sales of more than 100m euros each in Austria.
"They massively suck up the advertising volume that comes out of the economy but pay neither corporation tax nor advertising duty in Austria," he added.
As well as Apple, the European Commission has launched past or current investigations into the tax arrangements of Fiat, McDonald's, Starbucks and Amazon.

Pakistan blast at court leaves several dead in Mardan

A suicide bomber has attacked a court in the northern Pakistani city of Mardan, killing at least 12 people and injuring more than 50, officials say.
The attacker threw a hand grenade before running into the court area and detonating a bomb, police told the BBC.
Also on Friday, four suicide bombers targeted a Christian neighbourhood near Peshawar before being shot dead.
Both attacks took place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and were claimed by Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.

Militants have targeted lawyers in the past, including a bomb attack in Quetta last month that killed 18 lawyers. That attack was also claimed by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Nearly 30 people were injured in the court attack
Image copyright EPA
Image caption A second attack targeted a Christian district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Ijaz Khan, deputy inspector general of police for Mardan district, told reporters three lawyers and two police officers were among the dead at the courthouse.
The suicide bomber attempted to reach the court's bar room, where several lawyers had congregated - but was shot by police before he could enter, Mr Khan said.
The president of the Mardan Bar Association, Amir Hussain, told reporters he was in a neighbouring room when the blast happened.
"There was dust everywhere, and people were crying [out] loud with pain," he said.
Lawyers have come under attack because they are "an important part of democracy, and these terrorists are opposed to democracy", he added in quotes carried by the AFP agency.

Who are the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar?
•A faction of the Pakistani Taliban that operates independently in the Mohmand tribal region and surrounding areas.
•Name translates as The Party of Freedom Fighters.
•Carried out several attacks in Pakistan's north-west, including the Peshawar Valley region.
•Major attacks include a suicide bombing that killed more than 70 people at a park during Easter celebrations.
•Soldiers, lawyers and religious minorities are among those targeted.

Islam Karimov: Uzbekistan to bury its strongman leader

Uzbekistan is preparing to bury President Islam Karimov, one of Asia's most authoritarian leaders, who died this week aged 78.
His death was confirmed by the government in Tashkent on Friday, six days after he was taken to hospital following a stroke.
He ruled for 27 years, and is accused by human rights groups of harshly repressing dissent.
Saturday's funeral comes amid uncertainty over who will succeed him.
However, the occasion - in Mr Karimov's home city of Samarkand - will be overseen by Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev, seen as a potential successor.
Three days of mourning are being observed.

A United Nations report has described the use of torture under Mr Karimov as "systematic".
The late leader often justified his strong-arm tactics by highlighting the danger from Islamist militancy in the mainly Muslim country, which borders Afghanistan.

Reading the signs: Analysis by BBC's Sarah Rainsford

Image copyright
Image caption People line the street as the cortege passes in Tashkent
The official announcement of Islam Karimov's death came on Friday night. But Turkey's PM had sent condolences to Tashkent hours earlier - live on television - saying that the Uzbek leader had already died.
The Georgian president soon followed suit. The government in Tashkent has now released a medical report saying that Mr Karimov suffered a massive stroke last weekend and never regained consciousness. He died on Friday after his heart stopped for a second time, the statement says, and a team of doctors - including foreign specialists - could not resuscitate him.
Islam Karimov ruled for more than a quarter of a century, without naming a successor, so his death could well spark a struggle for power behind the scenes.
When Soviet leaders died, people would check who led the funeral commission for a clue as to who would take over. That could make Mr Mirziyoyev the man to watch. But, for Uzbekistan, all this is unprecedented and uncertain.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Micronesia: Couple rescued from desert island after SOS spotted in sand

Two people have been rescued from an uninhabited Pacific island after a US Navy helicopter spotted their SOS sign.
The pilots spotted the sign drawn into sand on East Fayu Island in Micronesia and alerted the US Coast Guard.
It followed a week-long search for Linus and Sabina Jack, both in their 50s, who were reported missing when they failed to reach a nearby island.
The couple left Weno Island with limited supplies and no emergency equipment, the Navy said.

Image copyright
US Navy
Image caption The couple's 18-foot boat was dragged onto the beach of the uninhabited island
Teams looking for the couple searched 16,571 square miles, deploying 15 boats and two aircraft crews.
A helicopter was sent to fly over East Fayu after a search vessel, British Mariner, reported seeing lights on the uninhabited island.
"The Search and Rescue Operation for Linus and Sabina Jack has been successfully completed," said the US Embassy in Kolonia, the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia.
"They are found and are waiting for a ship to take them home."
Image copyright US Navy
Image caption Their rescue followed a seven-day search by the Coast Guard
It is the second such case this year in the region.
In April, three men were rescued from the tiny, uninhabited Micronesian island of Fanadik, after their boat capsized two miles from shore.
The men used palm fronds to make a giant 'Help' sign in the sand and used their lifejackets to signal.
They were rescued by a US Navy search team after three days.

Image copyright other
Image caption It seems the couple managed to build a shelter

Five things to do if you're stranded

Make a sign: Writing in the sand worked in this case, but if there are large palm fronds, tree branches or even trunks, they will be more visible and more likely to survive an incoming tide.
Find a water source: Drinkable water is more important than anything else, without it you will die within days. Use any kind of container you can find or make to store rainwater, and large leaves to help catch as much as possible. Inland streams may provide a fresh water source.
Find food: A desert island can be a plentiful source of food, as long as you take some basic precautions. Cook seafood and meat thoroughly, and test food that might be poisonous against the back of your hand or outer lip, to see if it produces a reaction.
Build a shelter: Staying off the ground is important, to avoid snakes. Build your shelter in a clearing and cover it well - you may be on a tropical island but being soaked by rain can lead to hypothermia. If you can salvage any kind of netting, use it to protect yourself from mosquitoes.
Avoid injury: Treating yourself for a wound is usually much harder than avoiding one in the first place, especially if it turns septic. If you can salvage or make shoes, do so. Try to avoid walking around in bare feet or taking unnecessary risks.

Colombia Farc rebels announce definitive ceasefire

The main leftist rebel group in Colombia, the Farc, has ordered all its fighters to observe a ceasefire from midnight local time (05:00 GMT Monday).
The ceasefire brings to an end the group's 52-year-old war, one of the world's longest insurgencies, after four years of peace talks in Cuba.
The final peace agreement will be signed in the next few weeks.
Farc leader Rodrigo Londono, known as Timoleon Jimenez or Timochenko, gave the order to stop firing.

"I order all our commanders and units and each one of our combatants to definitively cease fire and hostilities against the Colombian state from midnight tonight," Timochenko told reporters.

Image copyright PA
Image caption Farc leader Rodrigo Londono, better known under his alias of Timoleon Jimenez or Timochenko, announced the start of the ceasefire in Havana
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos signed a decree earlier to halt military operations against the Farc, also from midnight.
"The end of the conflict has arrived!" he said in a tweet on Friday.

Crucial milestone: Analysis by Will Grant, BBC News, Havana
In one sense, the Farc's announcement of a total ceasefire is purely procedural. In another, it is a historic moment towards a lasting peace. It is procedural in that the bilateral ceasefire had already been agreed and there has in effect been a truce on the ground for several months.
But the definitive ceasefire was supposed to come into force the day after the final peace agreement was signed by President Santos and the leader of the Farc, Timoleon Jimenez - an event expected in Cartagena at the end of September. This moves that forward in a gesture of goodwill on both sides.
It is historic in that - finally - it brings to an end more than 50 years of conflict which left an estimated 260,000 people dead and millions internally displaced. These milestones are crucial for the Colombian peace process.
Perhaps more important is what comes next: a referendum on the agreement in early October. That will decide the fate of the years of negotiation in Havana and, in the process, the political futures of both President Santos and the Farc.

A peace agreement was announced on Wednesday in Havana, at the peace talks.
Farc fighters will ratify the accord in September and a Colombian referendum on the agreement will follow on 2 October.
Under the terms of the agreement, the Farc (the Spanish acronym for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) will give up its armed struggle and join the legal political process.
In March Colombia announced the start of peace negotiations with the second largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), but the rebels have yet to meet the government's precondition of releasing all of their hostages and stop all kidnapping.

The Farc's 52-year fight

Image copyright Reuters
1964: Set up as armed wing of Communist Party
2002: At its height, with an army of 20,000 fighters controlling up to a third of the country
2008: The group's worst year, when it suffered a series of bitter defeats
2012: Start of peace talks in Havana
2016: Definitive ceasefire

Don't Breathe: Horror film scares US box office rivals

Horror movie Don't Breathe has scared off Suicide Squad from the top of the North American box office rankings.
The thriller made $26.1m (£19.9m) between Friday and Sunday, according to studio estimates.
It follows three teenagers who burgle a house but find that its blind owner is not as helpless as he appears.
With a budget of under $10m (£7.6m), it is already in profit, and its success has ended supervillain romp Suicide Squad's three-week run at the top.
Don't Breathe reunited actress Jane Levy and director Fede Alvarez, who worked together on 2013's Evil Dead.

'A bean counter's dream'

It is the latest in a string of low-budget horror films to become box office hits, joining the likes of The Purge: Election Year, Lights Out and The Shallows, which have also found success this year.
"These are the films of bean counters' dreams," Paul Dergarabedian of box office trackers ComScore told Reuters news agency. "They are profit machines and even when they're poorly reviewed, people line up for them."
Rory Bruer, distribution chief for film studio Sony, said: "This film is going to be a big money-maker for us. We knew we had something special here."
North American box office top five
1. Don't Breathe $26.1m (£19.9m)
2. Suicide Squad $12.1m (£9.2m)
3. Kubo and the Two Strings $7.9m (£6m)
4. Sausage Party $7.7m (£5.9m)
5. Mechanic: Resurrection $7.5m (£5.7m)
Source: ComScore

Suicide Squad was the weekend's second most popular film with $12.1m (£9.2m) in ticket sales, taking its North American total to $282.9m (£215.6m).
The top five also included children's film Kubo and the Two Strings, adult animation Sausage Party and Jason Statham-led sequel Mechanic: Resurrection.
Further down the list, the new Ben Hur dropped from fifth place to 10th in its second week, putting its running total at $19.6m (£14.9m).
With a reported $100m (£76m) budget, it is on course to be one of the year's biggest flops.
Meanwhile, Southside With You, about Barack and Michelle Obama's first date, took $3.1m (£2.4m) on a more limited release.

Philippines: IS-linked Maute group inmates freed in 'raid'

Eight Islamic militants linked to so-called Islamic State (IS) have been freed from jail in the Philippines in an apparently "staged raid".

Police said at least 20 fighters from the Maute group had turned up at the Lanao del Sur jail in the southern city of Marawi, but no shots had been fired.
A military source told the BBC they believed the men had been allowed to escape.
The militants were held last week after being caught with homemade mortars.
At least 15 other inmates - who faced murder and drugs charges - also walked free, but it is not clear whether this was agreed.
The Maute group has carried out several bombings and kidnappings in the southern Mindanao region.

The Philippines has faced separatist movements for decades in Mindanao, which is majority Muslim - the rest of the Philippines is mainly Catholic.
The Maute group carries the black flag and insignia of IS, and has attacked army troops, beheaded a soldier and beheaded two local workers earlier this year.
The militants kidnapped the two workers and made them wear orange shirts similar to those worn by IS beheading victims before they were killed.
Several armed groups in the Philippines have pledged allegiance to IS, although the country's military says there is no evidence of active co-operation with foreign militants.


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